Travel, Tourism, Guide, Explorer.

Be Free

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. I am Yawer and this is my first post. 
I have made this blog for the sole purpose of guiding people to travel across Pakistan. The tourism in Pakistan is often limited to certain areas some of which include Murree, Galliant, Giligit, Muzafrabad etc. 

The guides and all can wait, the most useful thing you need to try and do before you travel is to become Free of reality. Every travel should have its own mindset to work with so that you can forget the problems about reality and work on it.

I myself have traveled to a fairly lot of Pakistan and I think I am in the place to actually guide people.
I visited Skardu this summer and I learned a huge thing which I was very vague about before, to always check up on the road conditions before you actually go.
So, me and my family went on a road trip with 3 Sedans to Skardu, and we planned the trip in few days, booked hotels and all and left home. After 24-28 hours of drive we came to a rough patch of road, and we started driving slow, but we thought it'd be over soon, what we actually did not realize was that the rough patch was 175 Kms long and the road had been under work. We actually drove there for 12 hours. This taught me to always ask tour guides and people about the road condition before you actually plan a trip.

So that concludes my first post.

#travel #medication #guide #moments #memories #travelguide #life #skardu #roadtrip #pakistan

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